Wednesday, 20 March 2013

'after we had shaken hands, "I will never forget you" ' - Production Neccesaties / Styling

It is important to take into consideration the fabric for creating the looks due to production budgets, as they can either find more expensive or cheaper alternatives but still similar aesthetically to create a full costume, for the shoot's to show the looks I used:

Materials: costing from £2.99 - £5.99 (per meter)
Accessories: costing from £1.50 - £20

FlowersLillies are seen as a elegant and beautiful flower often well liked by women however they also have a close connection with funerals and death which would help portray when used in the bed-draggled wedding hair styling of Miss Havisham the death of her faith in men, love and marriage.

Miss Havisham - Off white and peach tones so to create the fact that it is an aged fabric but combined with floral patterns, it would obviously depict wedding dress.

Estella -Purple is seen as a alluring colour full of passion and with white contrasts to showcase an innocence, while with a darker fabric it portrays a darker and anguished look.

Both characters – necklaces showcase how the two characters are interlinked and the larger heart on MH shows the authority. But also the fact that the character Estella is more pessimistic when it comes to emotion and love due to how she was raised.

Continuity key elementsare also a key aspect to consider, for example Estella’s bruising, the make up would need to be considered so that if scenes are re-shot or with the filming schedule the either prior or after the incident the make up would need to be the same, with the consideration of how, and what caused the mark from the impact so to create a believable addition to the look.

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